414 Elizabeth Avenue, Te Awamutu

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Family Home Ready For New Owners

Ready for entertaining, this property features, separate outdoor entertaining areas, lower level with heated inground fiberglass pool completed with cover and umbrella, the higher level has covered deck, fenced back yard to keep the pets and kids safe and veggie boxes for those fresh touches to salads and cocktails.

The home has split level living , modern kitchen with island breakfast bar and sky lights, cover deck, 3 bedrooms, family bathroom with dual door to master and 2 living on top level. The basement is a great pace to have guests, teenagers, or work from home with internal stairs and front and back access, office or living space, a bedroom and bathroom. Separate to the home is a single garage and workshop, off street parking and established gardens. Heating the home is easy with heat pump, HRV and night store, with insulation updated in 2018.

If 3 toilets and a window seat are on your tick list this home has that and so much more. The property has been well maintained and updated over the time the family has grown and now that the kids have left, mum and dad are making other plans and ready to part with this much-loved family home.

Contact Vayle or Tania to arrange a viewing.

House size 182 sqm (more or less), Section 789 sqm (more or less).

RV $ 960,000 August 2022, LV $ 365,000 August 2022

Waipa DC Rates $ 3247.01 Waikato RC Rates $ 423.80


Rangehood, electric stove with gas hob, Dishwasher, waste disposal, Light fittings, Fixed floor coverings, Blinds and Drapes, Heat pump, HRV, Night Store Heater insulation, clothesline, Extractor fan, heat pump heater for pool, windup umbrella

Sourced information from vendor, Waipa District Council, Waikato Regional Council, CoreLogic database and viewing the property.


ID# 16012100112

Land Area 789 sqm

Vayle Hammond

Vayle Hammond

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